Data from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2017 at the county level was combined with 2013-2017 ACS poverty level (less than 150% FPL) data and multilevel logistic regression analysis performed to develop county level estimates. County level estimates were applied to counts of U.S. Census Bureau 2010 population data at the block level to obtain census-block level Small Area Estimates (SAEs) and then aggregated to ZCTAs; prepared by the Robert Graham Center for the ZCTA level. This indicator map colors a ZCTA if its usual source of care rate (% of adults 18+ who reported having usual source of care) is at or above the threshold set by the corresponding slider bar. Adjusting the slider bar enables visualization of only areas that are above a certain rate of adults with usual source of care. For example, when the slider bar is set at 15 out of 100, only ZCTAs with a rate of 15% or higher are colored.