Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- FAQ: Can I export data from the Information Cards feature?
- FAQ: In health center Share of Patients, are those unique (unduplicated) patients or patient visits?
- FAQ: When I zoom out enough to show my entire service area, the selected ZCTAs disappear. Therefore, I’m not able to fit my entire service area onto one map. Is there anything I can do?
- FAQ: What do the lines represent on the Population or MAP for MAT Indicators slider bars?
- FAQ: Can I add additional information or drawings to the map?
- FAQ: Is there any way to save multiple maps?
- FAQ: Can I export the map on the screen as an image file?
- FAQ: Is it possible to print a map with the Data Table or the Information Card showing?
- FAQ: I forgot my password or would otherwise like to change it. How do I reset it?
- FAQ: Why do Retail Opioid Dispensing Rates and Part D Opioid Prescribing Rates look so different?
- FAQ: Can I generate a facility report for MAP for MAT Health Related Facilities?
- FAQ: Can I download a data table for MAP for MAT data?
- FAQ: Why are MAP for MAT Population Indicators data displayed by county?
- FAQ: How do I access MAP for MAT information?
- FAQ: Does the MAP for MAT tool contain patient data?
- FAQ: What is MAP for MAT?
- FAQ: How do I request access to use the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: How much does it cost me to use the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Do we have to register for a new account to access UDS Mapper separate from HealthLandscape?
- FAQ: Can you please describe the different levels of access to the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Can you differentiate the functionality between UDS Mapper and HealthLandscape?
- FAQ: Are there any data for the U.S. Virgin Islands in the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Can I export the data of the map that I am viewing?
- FAQ: Can penetration rates be calculated for special populations such as migrant and seasonal agricultural workers?
- FAQ: How do I see the population numbers for an area I am interested in?
- FAQ: I attended a webinar. Can I get the slides from that presentation?
- FAQ: I would like to look up a specific address - how do I do that?
- FAQ: Will you be adding any additional layers to the UDS Mapper? Do you take suggestions for other data to add to the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Are labels added with Drawing tools included in the printed or saved version of the map?
- FAQ: Can the data be exported as vectors?